There is no such thing as a free lunch! So instead make sure it is high quality and fit for purpose!

Our planners are able to give high quality advice on a number of different projects. Typically our advice falls into one of two tiers:
Triage is new for 2020 and builds on the work we have done with Masterminds and Property Education. Triage is provided on a Friday afternoon and allows for a 30min Zoom Call to discuss your early ideas for property development on one or a number of application sites. Triage focuses on town planning’s ‘first principles’ and so is a way to quickly establish whether a site you are looking at is capable of development or not.
A triage appointment costs £99.00 plus VAT and can be booked using the link below.
Formal Written Advice

For main application types, appeals, discharge of condition and matters relating to HMO’s and Prior Approval our main advice service offers the following:
- Detailed Analysis of the Site and Constraint
- Local and National Policy
- Development Issues and Options
- Section 106 and CIL Liabilities
- 30 min Call with your consultant and detailed report.
Our formal written advice is there to ensure you are proceeding with the right development on the right site at the right time. Advice on sites outside London attracts a charge of £594.00 inc VAT. For sites within London the charge is £1245.00 plus VAT.
To request formal written advice on your project please complete the form by following the link below
External Masterminds
TPX Supports External Mastermind Programmes and each has their own agreement on the level of service we offer. If your in one of these programmes you can book in to your planning clinic by using the advice request below.