Just had an interesting one across my desk.
The Council alledge that a condition from a 1960’s planning permission removes permitted development rights. Groovy Man!
Brighton goes HMO Heavy – A Brighton landlord has been told to stop letting a family home to students – the fourth since new rules over shared houses in the city were introduced.
St Mary Magdalene Street
The primary planning use is always the last known lawful use of the building (unless abandoned and you really don’t want to go there!) Only one of the three triggers above can alter the primary use. There is no other mechanism by which you may claim an alternative use class for a property.
There is always some confusion in Planning Practice what ‘Permitted Development’ is. To the lay person development that you do not need to get a planning permission for. To the experienced practitioner it is a bit more than that. However, even to Senior Planning Officers it can be a bit…confusing.