Quick Check

Quick Check, a service that you love so much we have had to provide some ground rules!

What do I get?

Quick Check provides a written response to basic planning questions and will be answered in 5 working days by one of our Planning Assistants.

What is it suitable for?

It should be used as a very first stage for simple planning questions such as Householder Development or Changes of Use under Permitted Development. If you need to get advice on anything more complicated than this then you should be using our Triage or Formal Advice pathways.

How much does it cost?

Quick Check is meant for a quick check and so is free.

How do I use it?

To submit a request please complete the form below. Please limit your requests to one site per submission.

How many sites can I submit for?

At present we are monitoring this service for signs of service abuse (where a few individuals submit a large number of sites in a short space of time). We are operating Quick Check based on our fair use policy which is set out below.

Quick Check is only suitable for the above development types. Advice on other forms of development including new build housing or commercial forms of development must use our Triage or Formal Advice Services instead. Your enquiry will be checked against this criteria before it is sent to one of our Planners.
Please try and provide as complete a brief as possible.

Our Terms of Service

Our General Terms of Business are set out below and apply to all planning consultancy work being undertaken by the practice. We publish this information freely to ensure that everyone is aware.

Please find as set out below our terms of business.

  1. General Conditions

1.1 All engagements accepted by Town Planning Expert are subject to the following terms of engagement except where changes are expressly agreed in writing.

1.2 We will observe the byelaws, regulations and ethical guidelines of the Royal Town Planning Institute and accept instructions to act for you on the basis that we will in accordance with those guidelines. Copies of the RTPIs Code of Professional Conduct are available from the RTPIs website www.rtpi.org.uk

1.3 All fees and charges submitted by other specialists sub-contracted by prior agreement with the client shall be the responsibility of and payable by the client.

1.4 Every care will be taken when carrying out client instructions. No responsibility is accepted for errors or matters beyond our reasonable control.

1.5 The practice shall not subcontract any part of the commission without first receiving approval in writing from the client with a clear understanding of responsibilities.

1.6 Quotations for planning work are valid for a fixed period of 14 days from the date of quotation.

1.7 Our Fair Use policy applies to this service and means that we will monitor your use of the service and determine whether your use constitutes abuse of the service offered. In this context more than 4 site submissions by any one party in any calendar month would be considered unfair use and could result in limiting or withdrawing this service.

  1. Client Monies

2.1 We may, from time to time, hold money on your behalf. Such money will be held in trust in a client bank account.

  1. Fees

3.1 Our fees are calculated on the basis of the time we will spend on your affairs and on the level of skill and responsibility involved. Our fees are fixed at the point of engagement and are not negotiable.

3.2 The following costs are normally added to fee accounts as disbursements;

Ordnance Survey maps

Pre-application fees charged by a local authority

Planning application fees charged by the local authority

Mileage from the consultants base to the site.

3.3 Invoices will be submitted on a completed electronically signed Work Order/Advice request and must be paid in full upon receipt of invoice. We reserve the right to charge interest on any amounts owing at 5% above Bank of England base rate. We reserve the right to suspend work on projects where accounts are outstanding after 20 days, other than by prior agreement. In the event that the Client seeks to cancel prior to delivery of the work instructed this will be carried out in accordance with Clauses 3.5 and 3.6 of these terms and conditions. 

3.4 If it is necessary to carry out additional work outside of the agreed brief then this work will involve additional fees. We will provide an estimate of such fees before commencing additional work.

3.5 In the event the Client seeks to cancel this instruction prior to submission to the relevant authority the Consultant reserves the right to recover their costs in preparing abortive work at a rate of £198.00 plus VAT per hour.

3.6 In the event that the Client on completion of an instruction prior to payment seeks to cancel the Consultant reserves the right to recover their costs in abortive administrative work at a fixed rate of £198.00 plus VAT.  

3.7. Any delay in receiving information, changes in Client’s instruction or any matter outside our control which leads to additional work may result in an additional fee.

  1. Limitation of liability

4.1 We will endeavour to provide professional services with reasonable care and skill. However we will not be held responsible for any losses arising from the supply by you or others of incorrect of incomplete information, or a failure of you or others to supply any appropriate information or your failure to act on our advice or respond promptly to communications from us or relevant authorities.

  1. Law

5.1. This contract is subject to the Laws and Statutes of England and Wales

  1. Complaints

6.1. Any concerns over the level of service received should be dealt with in the first instance by the Office Manager.

  1. Acceptance of Terms

7.1. Instruction to proceed with work or services, acceptance of an estimate, acceptance and payment in whole or in part of an invoice and/or instruction to proceed with further works outside of an existing engagement constitutes acceptance of these terms of business.