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Class F – closed circuit television cameras
What is allowed
The installation, alteration or replacement on a building of a closed circuit television camera to be used for security purposes
Where can I use it
On any land or building in England subject to the limitations below
What is not allowed
Development is not permitted by Class F if—
- the building on which the camera would be installed, altered or replaced is a listed building or a scheduled monument;
- the dimensions of the camera including its housing exceed 0.75 metres by 0.25 metres by 0.25 metres;
- any part of the camera would, when installed, altered or replaced, be less than 2.5 metres above ground level;
- any part of the camera would, when installed, altered or replaced, protrude from the surface of the building by more than 1 metre when measured from the surface of the building;
- any part of the camera would, when installed, altered or replaced, be in contact with the surface of the building at a point which is more than 1 metre from any other point of contact;
- any part of the camera would be less than 10 metres from any part of another camera installed on a building;
- the development would result in the presence of more than 4 cameras on the same side of the building; or
- the development would result in the presence of more than 16 cameras on the building.
Development is permitted by Class F subject to the following conditions—
the camera is, so far as practicable, sited so as to minimise its effect on the external appearance of the building on which it is situated; and
the camera is removed as soon as reasonably practicable after it is no longer required for security purposes.
How do I use the allowance
This is a normal allowance that is available to nearly every building and site in England. For buildings in Conservation Areas you should check to see whether the Council has issued an Article 4 Direction.
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