The Journey to Victory

Following the success of Series 1 in Camden we thought we would share the journey that VICTORY has taken from getting from an idea to an event.

September 2001
Jon McDermott trains as a Geography Teacher (almost!)
April 2002
Jon McDermott starts at Portsmouth City Council as a Planning Assistant in Development Management
November 2010
Jon McDermott leaves Portsmouth City Council through voluntary redundancy after 8 years. He leaves as a Senior Planning Officer. With Keith Oliver he starts a planning consultancy in Portsmouth.
2015 – 2020
Jon McDermott participates in a number of property education programmes. It becomes clear the the education part of these programmes is less important than people participating. Jon comes to the conclusion that it could be better if education meant education.
March 2020
The UK is locked down due to Covid-19. Jon needs a hobby and so starts writing and researching. The VICTORY plan is born and becomes a series of 7 lectures.
August 2020
TPX Achieves its first CPD Accreditation as a Accredited Training Organisation.
September 2020
VICTORY is run as a series of 7 test lectures over Zoom. TPX learns an incredible amount from this and the course is adapted as a result.
May and June 2021
TPX runs its Planning and Business Bootcamp in Cornwall. VICTORY is run again as a series of live lectures to those on the bootcamp. TPX learns more from this and the course is adapted again to be a one day programme
January 2022
With the help of Commander Simon Coles RN VICTORY is adapted into a course for serving service personnel in order to enable service men and women to have a way into the planning system after they leave the services. The course has no uptake from the services and is de-militarised into a course for civilians.
February 2022
Jon McDermott achieves the second CPD accreditation becoming an accredited CPD Trainer.
July 2022
VICTORY is ready! In order to see if this is something people want TPX launches a croudfunder in order to raise the funding needed to run the course for the first time. The course is to be run on the Full Cost Recovery Model which means that the cost of the day is the cost levied for the course. The first running of the day is oversubscribed on the crowdfunder.
September 2022
VICTORY receives its CPD Accreditation allowing for 8 hours CPD credit to be claimed by anyone attending and completing the programme.
24th September 2022

VICTORY ‘sets sail’ for the first time for Series 1 in Camden Lock London with Series 2 already fully booked and Series 3 seeing interest.

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